Tuesday, May 28, 2019

IT Staffing Services Working Like a Charm for BPOs

One of the toughest challenges that a BPO or any outsourcing company faces on a regular basis is IT staffing. We are not in anyway saying that other careers and other jobs within the BPO industry is easier compared to things related to IT though. Remember, each job will have its own specialty, own skill and own challenges. That means that you need people with experience or are considered professionals for a specific task.

You just don’t send a surgeon to fix your pipes. You obviously can’t call in an electrician to do a double bypass heart surgery neither. You need people who knows what they are looking, know how to deal with the problem and people who know what they can actually do to either solve the problem or avoid it entirely. 

When it comes to IT though, that’s where everything goes hairy. Its easy to think that from an outsider perspective that IT deals with mostly wires and cables and being in front of the computer most of the time. But that’s far from the truth. Ask anybody working with the IT staffing services industry and you will find out that there’s a multitude of things they need to consider before they hire a person or recommend a person to their clients. For one they need to look at the applicant’s work experience. And that’s crucial too for the BPO companies because they pay handsomely for employees working for them. So they will definitely look for the applicants or individuals who have had a good run. 

There’s also the educational background. This comes in handy or as an additional booster in cases where the applicant has little to no work experience. School or academic experience can help jobhunters and staffing services to determine whether the applicant has had experience. For example, an IT staffing firm gets a request from their clients to look for an applicant who either has experience with system networking or is an expert in the same field. The problem is, all the applications that got turned in either come from new job applicants or fresh graduates. There are a few who have had one or two IT-related jobs that doesn’t really relate with the job posting. The recruiter will then follow protocol and start looking at the academic backgrounds of would-be applicants. The recruiter can then check whether or not this would be a good fit for them or not. 

This is also the main reason why BPOs still love to work with and get the services of IT staffing service providers. Because it frees up their hands from looking into each and every resume that lands on their laps and let them focus on the more important aspect of running the place and overseeing all the small details. They let the recruiters do their job and trust them to send over really good picks to work not just as a member of the IT department but even work as an executive or some higher up within the company.

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