Sunday, May 26, 2019

Hiring Filipino IT Staffing Agencies for your Manila Expansion

In the last decade or so, a lot of global brands and international companies have shown heavy interest in setting up an additional office in various parts of the Philippines especially in Metro Manila. And they are right in doing so because Filipinos are talented and highly skilled. They are also better equipped to converse in English which is an important part of the work. No matter what industry these businesses are, they will find the right employee in the country. This is also the reason why there are a lot of IT staffing company in the Philippines to date.

The IT industry is a vast and complex industry. It can go anywhere from web content creation and development to running servers and creating system networks for offices. And there’s a lot more stuff in between those jobs we mentioned. There won’t be a shortage of Filipino employees to do that for any company. It’s really just a matter of finding the right middle man who can connect the company and the applicant. And while that seems simple, it can be very challenging.

Many companies based outside the Philippines have tried doing it their way and tried getting the right people into their umbrella. The numbers show however that this sort of model yielded a low success rate. Meaning one way or another it was bound to fail. This was also the catalyst for the birth of IT staffing companies who operate in the Philippines.

Still, there are a lot of international companies and brands who have managed to find success not just in operating and branching out to the Philippines but also in getting the right people to work for them. Some companies took the time to prepare their branching out by spending countless hours on phone interviews with potential employees. And this isn’t just for their IT positions either. Some companies send a year at most just to be able to hire people for their main work, support departments and again, their IT department. And guess what. These companies are still going to eventually connect with an IT staffing firm to help them out when it comes to staff augmentation.

Nothing is permanent especially when it comes to business and employment. The same team a company had when they started out may not be the same set of people in two years time. Attrition has always been an issue and employees resigning or being fired by the company is always a part of the deal. Seasoned managers and even business owners know for a fact that maintaining a job can be difficult too. So there’s always room to hire more people to expand the staff.

Also because BPOs are ever-evolving, there’s nothing set in stone. Well maybe the company guidelines in the employee handbook could stick like that forever but staff will always change and be in constant flux. So its still a good idea to get in touch with a staffing agency or company to help companies pick out the right candidates and employees for them.

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